16th October 2024

Search Overstone Parish Council

A Better Place To Live

Public Consultations

Public Consultations concerning relevant matters within the Parish will be listed here.

The consultation period for the installation of CCTV cameras in and around Overstone is now over. Results of the survey are as follows:

Surveys completed = 50

To what extent do you agree to the proposal to install CCTV within the Overstone village area:?

Somewhat or Strongly Agree = 76%

Neither Agree or Disagree - 2%

Somewhat or Strongly Disagree - 22%

To what extent do you agree the 3 cameras would be in the right location?

Mostly or Fully Agree = 74%

Not sure/Don't Know - 6%

Mostly or Strongly Disagree - 20%

To what extent do you agree or disagree to the following statement: I would feel my privacy was compromised if CCTV cameras were installed.

Somewhat or Strongly Agree = 18%

Neither Agree or Disagree - 20%

Somewhat or Strongly Disagree - 62%

Consultation/Survey regarding the installation of CCTV Cameras in and around Overstone.

Consultation period is from 16th June 2021 to July 1st 2021

The purpose of this consultation is to seek views and gather feedback from individuals, groups and organisations, on the proposal to install CCTV cameras along Sywell Road and Church Lane, for the purpose of reducing crime and incidents such as Anti-Social Behaviour.

Last updated: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 10:11