Policing update for Overstone
Minutes of Meeting – Sunday 24th March 2024
Drag Race Meetings Held on A43
The drag racing meetings held on a regular basis between Aldi and Overstone Gate roundabouts, attracts circa. 100 young attendees who line up on the grass verges and sometimes along the middle of the dual carriageway, were discussed in depth. PS Judd advised the meetings are being arranged from outside the county and the selected areas are currently Junction 18 – DIRFT, Daventry; Junction 16 – Six Fields and Junction 15 – A43 Overstone. PS. Judd advised the Police are aware of these instances unfortunately a legal matter stopped the Police from dealing with the races for the last 8 months, the legal matter has now been removed. PS. Judd advised that all members of the public should continue to report and advise the Force Control Room of all instances as it only takes a single vehicle to lose control and several people could lose their lives at a single event, which has been the case in another area of the UK. All calls should be given an incident number by the Force Control room.
PS. Judd advised he will personally ensure the above matter will be added to the 'Road Joint Action Group' (JAGS) agenda in readiness for the next meeting due to be held in April. Once the above has been discussed at the meeting, Matthew Mumford – Safer Roads Team Enforcement Supervisor will then visit the site with WNC Highways Department and review.
PS. Judd advised the Police can offer awareness and provide deterrents to stop this anti-social behaviour and educate the young drivers.
A43 and Speeding
Matthew Mumford has previously advised OPC… '40mph is the highest speed restriction that can be imposed without a significant jump in costs for the other associated features, such as junction and roundabout sizes and central barrier restraints, etc.' This matter has been discussed many times since the road opened in 2020.
Following the installation and opening of the original section of road, it was obvious there were huge issues of non-compliance. By the time the Police and Speed Limit Review team within WNC Highways were aware of the proposed limits, it was far too late to make any meaningful change. It was clear, even before opening, the 40mph restriction was not fit for purpose and was being ignored, vehicles were travelling at a speed they felt safe and suitable for the environment. Shortly following the opening, speed data surveys indicated 90% of vehicles were travelling above 40mph. A formal objection was issued to WNC which was overruled, despite the speed data result.
The Plan going forward, instigated by PS. Judd is to start providing Police vehicles and speed checks/traps on the A43. PS Judd advised he would instigate this ASAP.
PS. Judd advised VAS (Vehicle Activated signs) cannot be utilised on the A43, but they could be adopted within the local roads.
Digital displays boards were discussed regarding whether a message could be added to each of the displays of which there are two located on the A43, one just down from Overstone Gate and the other close to the Round Spinney roundabout. These signs offer advice, such as weather and reminders of not using a mobile phone whilst driving; so, should be capable of reminding drivers the A43 is restricted to 40 mph, and a message that 40mph is not a target speed.
Vehicles over 7 tonnes are using the village as a cut through and causing damage to the kerbs and potholes, especially around the chicane. PS. Judd advised WNC can assist with this matter, and he advised he will supply the relevant departmental name.
The restricted speed is required due to: -
- Residential housing is closer to the A43 than was anticipated.
- A new primary school housing 400 pupils is due to be erected next to Overstone Care Home.
- A new secondary school is due to due to completed for the September 2024 intake, this will house a further 1500 pupils.
- Due to lack of green space the developers have suggested children should walk down the A43 and use Moulton's facilities, which is unlit.
General Feedback from the Police
The lack of feedback from the Police was discussed and PS. Judd advised he would be happy to follow up with the Force Control room.
Cannabis Fly Tipping
The fly tipping of the contents of a cannabis factory including equipment and plants into one of the entrances to the woods was discussed. Overstone Parish Council provided CCTV footage which was forwarded to the Police. The footage clearly shows the hire van including the registration number and full face of the male passenger fly tipping. No feedback provided from the Police; Highways cannot remove the fly tipping as the Woods are privately owned. PS. Judd confirmed he would investigate and report back on this matter.
General Information
The completion of the new development is due within the next 5 years, this will bring the total population of Overstone to 12,500 residents.
PS. Judd advised he would be happy to share information via Cllr. Taylor and would be happy to attend occasional meetings at the onset of the monthly Parish Council monthly meetings, held on the first Tuesday of the month.
Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024