16th October 2024

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A Better Place To Live

Overstone Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Regulation 16 Consultation period has now completed. Please follow the below link for a list of comments received by consultees:

Daventry District Council - Submitted Neighbourhood Development Plans (daventrydc.gov.uk)

Regulation 16 and the Submission of the Overstone Neighbourhood Development Plan

On the 20th January 2021, Overstone Parish Council wrote to Daventry District Council, to formally submit the Overstone Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents for examination, in compliance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, as amended. The submission documents, or 'plan proposal', consist of:

1. The Overstone Neighbourhood Plan and all appendices

2. A map which identifies the designated Neighbourhood Plan area

3. A Consultation Statement which sets out who has been consulted (see appendix 10), when and how; a summary of the main issues raised (see appendix 13) and how these have been addressed in the Plan (including Regulation 14 consultation comments and responses).

4. The SEA Screening Opinion, SEA report and comments and responses to the SEA consultation.

5. The Basic Conditions Statement which identifies conformity with strategic planning policies.

6. Draft minutes of the meeting of Overstone Parish Council on January 12th 2021, which confirm acceptance of the submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan

Submission of the Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 15 represents the stage where Overstone Parish Council and the appointed Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group hands over the consultation for the neighbourhood development plan, to the local planning authority (Daventry District Council).

The Regulation 16 consultation will take place from Monday 1st February 2021 to Monday 22nd March (5.00pm), inclusive, with reference to the "Basic Conditions" that the Neighbourhood Plan needs to meet. These require that the plan:

  1. Has regard to national policy and guidance from the Secretary of State;
  2. Contributes to sustainable development;
  3. Is in general conformity with the strategic policy of the development plan for the area or any part of that area;
  4. Doesn't breach or is otherwise compatible with EU obligations – this includes the SEA Directive of 2001/42/EC; and that
  5. The making of the Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site (as defined in the Conservation of Habitats and Species regulations 2010(d)), either alone or in combination with other plans or projects.

Please use the following link to submit your Regulation 16 consultation response directly to Daventry District Council:


Hard copies of all documentation are also available upon request from Daventry District Council.

Last updated: Fri, 09 Jul 2021 09:46